Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Okay, I tried the blog search tools, (Topix, Syndic8, Technorati). Was not enamored of the first two, but had more success with Technorati, where I discovered Kim Pfaffenroth's blog, "Gospel of the Living Dead." Kim has the distinction of being an academic in religious studies as well as a zombie fan. Not interests typically found in the same person:) He did a great nonfiction book about the Christian symbolism in George Romero's zombie movies, and edited a collection of zombie stories in various historical settings, called, "History is Dead." He also was the first one to reject my Napoleonic-era zombie story (he hated the ending), but I don't hold it against him, as I wouldn't have written the story but for the theme of the anthology, and I sold it elsewhere (after tweaking the ending--so he was right--sue me:

But back on topic. Technorati is very easy to use, so I'll probably try more searches when I'm not scrambling so hard to beat the webchallenge deadline!

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